
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Humble Indie Bundle - Amazing Opportunity for cross-platform games!

5 games.

All for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Name your own price.

This is one deal you cannot pass up.

The package, for which you can literally name your own price to purchase, includes World of Goo, Penumbra, Aquaria, Gish, and Lugaru HD. These are five great games by indie developers.

These developers are also working for a noble cause. Customers of this package decide where their money goes: all to the developers, all goes to the charities Child's Play and Electronic Frontier Foundation, or the amount is split evenly. Any of these options is sure to benefit someone struggling with funds.

Two interesting statistics: it just goes to show how kind people are:

Real-time Statistics
- Total raised $121,502
- Average contribution $7.98
- Number of contributions 15219

1. Anonymous $500.0
2. analogpixels.com $250.0
3. Anonymous $200.0
4. Dan_Dude $200.0
5. Anonymous $127.0
6. :(){:|:&};: $100.0
7. FoxInABox $100.0
8. Anonymous $100.0
9. Anonymous $100.0
10. Anonymous $100.0

It's great to see people care for a worthy cause.

If you're interested, check out the deal here!


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Copyright Zack H.; RevYuu